 Добавлено: 02.11.2012

Как и в прошлой игре серии, значительная часть крутых предметов будет попадать в инвентарь в результате алхимических преобразований. Существенное отличие заключается лишь в том, что ждать окончания долгих химических реакций теперь не нужно - преобразования происходят мгновенно. Функция алхимии откроется отряду после победы над ведьмой Мораг, живущей в заброшенном королевстве Бригадум, окончив сражение, возвращайтесь в гостиницу Сторнвэй и просто проверьте горшок на барной стойке.

Чтобы быстро и просто получать разные вещи, понадобятся алхимические рецепты, которые можно узнать из книг на стеллажах множественных локаций. После прочтения такой книги вы точно будете знать требуемые ингредиенты, их количество и результат смешения. Также некоторые рецепты придут в вашу коллекцию в ходе выполнения всевозможных квестов, иногда персонажи прямо говорят, как получить требующуюся вещь. Однако не все рецепты придут к вам готовенькими, для получения некоторых предметов придётся экспериментировать, наугад соединяя имеющиеся в наличии вещества - при этом действия надо совершать на основе отдалённых подсказок, интуиции и найденных закономерностей. Например, вы можете заметить, что к любому железному оружию очень хорошо добавляется железная руда и глыба лавы, такая смесь всегда улучшает данное оружие до стального. Тем не менее, если закономерности искать не хочется, воспользуйтесь представленной ниже таблицей.

* Помеченные звёздочкой предметы получаются в результате преобразования не всегда, а лишь с вероятностью в 20%. То есть для их получения, возможно, придётся повторить указанную алхимическую реакцию несколько раз.

Warrior's sword= Soldier's Sword+ Raging ruby+ Warrior's helm
Fizzle foil=Rapier+ Narspicious x3+ Mythril ore
Steel broadsword= Iron broadsword+ Iron ore+ Lava lump
Gigasteel broadsword= Steel broadsword+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Aurora blade= Cautery sword+ Brighten rock x3+ Holy water
Platinum sword= Iron broadsword+ Platinum ore+ Hephaestus' flame
Dragon slayer= Dragonsbane+ Mighty armlet    
Uber falcon blade= Falcon blade+ Meteorite bracer    
Uber miracle sword= Miracle sword+ Life bracer x2    
Fire blade= Valkyrie sword+ Lava lump x3+ Rockbomb shard
Inferno blade= Fire blade+ Sunstone+ Rockbomb shard x3
Liquid metal sword= Metal slime sword+ Orichalcum+ Slimedrop x6
Metal king sword= Liquid metal sword+ Orichalcum+ Slime crown
Erdrick's sword= Rusty sword+ Glass frit x9+ Orichalcum
Stardust sword= Supernova sword+ Reset stone    
Nebula sword= Stardust sword+ Agate of evolution+ Silver orb
Supernova sword= Nebula sword+ Agate of evolution x3+ Silver orb x3
Hypernova sword*= Nebula sword+ Agate of evolution x3+ Silver orb x3
Steel lance= Iron lance+ Iron ore+ Lava lump
Gigasteel lance= Steel lance+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Celestial spear= Long spear+ Holy talisman+ Platinum ore x2
Holy lance= Iron lance+ Gold rosary    
Trident= Battle fork+ Seashell x2+ Crimson coral x2
Graco's trident= Trident+ Mighty armlet+ Densinium x2
Sandstorm spear= Holy lance+ Kitty litter x2+ Glass frit x2
Halberd= Partisan+ Battle-axe    
Lightning lance= Celestial spear+ Thunderball x3+ Mythril ore
Storm spear= Lightning lance+ Thunderball x5+ Gold bar
Demon spear= Celestial spear+ Terrible tattoo x3+ Malicite
Liquid slime spear= Metal slime spear+ Orichalcum+ Slimedrop x6
Metal king spear= Liquid slime spear+ Orichalcum+ Slime crown
Poker= Split-pot poker+ Reset stone    
Stud poker= Poker+ Agate of evolution+ Red orb
Split-pot poker= Stud poker+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Red-hot poker*= Stud poker+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Divine dagger= Bronze knife+ Holy water x3    
Poison moth knife= Divine dagger+ Coagulant x2+ Manky mud
Batterfly knife= Poison moth knife+ Coagulant x3+ Butterfly wing x3
Dread dagger= Batterfly knife+ Disturbin' turban+ Butterfly wing x5
Poison needle= Magic beast horn+ Manky mud x3    
Falcon knife earring= Deadly nightblade+ Slime earrings+ Agility ring x3
Assassin's dagger= Deadly nightblade+ Poison needle+ Evencloth x2
Icicle dirk= Divine dagger+ Ice crystal x3+ Edged boomerang
Fenrir fang= Icicle dirk+ Ice crystal x5+ Magic beast horn x3
Soul breaker= Sword breaker+ Life bracer+ Spirit bracer
Gladius= Flame tang+ Reset stone    
Flame tang= Gladius+ Sunstone+ Crimson coral x3
Deft dagger= Dashing dagger+ Reset stone    
Darting dagger= Deft dagger+ Agate of evolution+ Purple orb
Dashing dagger= Darting dagger+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Dynamo dagger*= Darting dagger+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Staff of sentencing= Wizard's staff+ Flurry feather+ Magic water
Staff of divine wrath= Staff of sentencing+ Flurry feather x3+ Sage's elixir
Watermaul wand= Stolos' staff+ Seashell x3+ Crimson coral
Tsunami staff= Watermaul wand+ Celestial skein+ Enchanted stone
Lightning staff= Stolos' staff+ Thunderball x3+ Magic water
Lightning conductor= Lightning staff+ Thunderball x5+ Sage's elixir
Magma staff= Stolos' staff+ Rockbomb shard x3+ Brighten rock x3
Rune staff= Stolos' staff+ Ruby of protection+ Magic water x5
Hieroglyph staff= Rune staff+ Sorcerer's ring+ Sage's elixir x3
Mega-magical mace= Magical mace+ Astral plume+ Mythril ore x3
Savant's staff= Sage's staff+ Agate of evolution+ Sage's elixir x3
Bright staff= Brilliant staff+ Reset stone    
Shining staff= Bright staff+ Agate of evolution+ Blue orb
Brilliant staff= Shining staff+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Aurora staff*= Shining staff+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Snakeskin whip= Leather whip+ Snakeskin x3    
Serpentine whip= Snakeskin whip+ Snakeskin x5+ Magic beast horn
Sidewinder= Serpentine whip+ Snakeskin x6+ Tough guy tattoo
Spiked steel whip= Iron whip+ Iron ore+ Lava lump
Gigaspike whip= Spiked steel whip+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Dragontail whip= Iron whip+ Dragon scale x3+ Aggressence
Demon whip= Iron whip+ Terrible tattoo+ Wing of bat x3
Archdemon whip= Demon whip+ Terrible tattoo x2+ Malicite
Scourge whip= Archdemon whip+ Saint's ashes    
Empress's whip= Queen's whip+ Highness heels+ Monarchic mark
Goddess whip= Empress's whip+ Goddess ring+ Agate of evolution
Gringham whip= Giga Gringham whip+ Reset stone    
Mega Gringham whip= Gringham whip+ Agate of evolution+ Green orb
Giga Gringham whip= Mega Gringham whip+ Agate of evolution x3+ Green orb x3
Uber Gringham whip= Giga Gringham whip*+ Agate of evolution x3+ Green orb x3
Steel bar= Iron bar+ Iron ore+ Lava lump
Gigasteel bar= Steel bar+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Pillar of strength= Oaken pole x3+ Utility belt    
Killer pillar= Driller pillar+ Mighty armlet    
Slumber stick= Sleepy stick+ Sleeping hibiscus x3+ Narspicious
Mistick= Driller pillar+ Fresh water x3+ Flurry feather x3
Optimistick= Mistick+ Celestial skein x2+ Agility ring
Ballistick= Optimistick+ Technicolour dreamcloth+ Mercurys bandana
Xenlon rod= Dragon rod+ Dragon scale x3+ Sainted soma x3
Orichalcudgel= Orichalcum x3+ Hephaestus' flame x3    
Knockout rod= Catatonic cosh+ Reset stone    
Senseless stick= Knockout rod+ Agate of evolution+ Blue orb
Catatonic cosh= Senseless stick+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Coma cudgel*= Senseless stick+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Steel claws= Iron claws+ Iron ore+ Lava lump
Gigasteel claws= Iron claws+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Sacred claws= Iron claws+ Holy talisman    
Kestrel claws= Crow's claws+ Agility ring    
Kite claws= Kestrel claws+ Enchanted stone x2    
Hammer handrills= Handrills+ Iron nails x5+ Iron ore
Fire claws= Dragon claws+ Lava lump x3+ Rockbomb shard
Combusticlaws= Fire claws+ Sunstone+ Rockbomb shard x3
King cobra claws= Cobra claws+ Terrible tattoo x4+ Wing of bat x4
Beastmaster claws= Beast claws+ Monarchic mark+ Magic beast horn x9
Orichalcum claws= Combusticlaws+ Orichalcum x2+ Hephaestus' flame x2
Dragonlord claws= Dragovian lord claws+ Reset stone    
Dragovian claws= Dragonlord claws+ Agate of evolution+ Red orb
Dragovian lord claws= Dragovian claws+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Xenlon claws*= Dragovian claws+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Steel fan= Iron fan+ Iron ore+ Lava lump
Gigasteel fan= Steel fan+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Foehn fan= Feather fan+ Flurry feather+ Agility ring
Gale force fan= Foehn fan+ Enchanted stone+ Agility ring
Cobra fan= War fan+ Snakeskin x2+ Dragon scale
Azure dragon fan= Cobra fan+ Thunderball x3+ Dragon scale x2
Fowl fan= War fan+ Flurry feather x2+ Crimson coral x2
Vermillion bird fan= Fowl fan+ Lava lump x3+ Razor-wing boomerang
Feline fan= War fan+ Kitty litter x2+ Seashell x2
White tiger fan= Feline fan+ Ice crystal x3+ Kitty shield
Tortoiseshell fan= War fan+ Tortoiseshell x2+ Evencloth
Black tortoise fan= Tortoiseshell fan+ Royal soil x3+ Tortoise shell
Lunar fan= Stellar fan+ Full moon ring+ Lucida shard
Solar fan= Lunar fan+ Sunstone+ Crimson coral x3
Friendly fan= Solar fan+ Life bracer+ Horse manure x9
Critical fan= Hypercritical fan+ Reset stone    
Overcritical fan= Critical fan+ Agate of evolution+ Green orb
Hypercritical fan= Overcritical fan+ Agate of evolution x3+ Green orb x3
Dire critical fan*= Overcritical fan+ Agate of evolution x3+ Green orb x3
Steel axe= Iron axe+ Iron ore+ Lava lump
Gigasteel axe= Steel axe+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Golden axe= Iron axe+ Gold bar    
Moon axe= Battle-axe+ Lunaria+ Mystifying mixture
Full moon axe= Moon axe+ Full moon ring+ Mystifying mixture x3
King axe= Golden axe+ Slime crown    
Kaiser axe= King axe+ Slime crown+ Monarchic mark
Executioner's axe= Headsman's axe+ Ethereal stone x2+ Raging ruby
Ice axe= Kaiser axe+ Ice crystal x3+ Icicle dirk x3
Avalanche axe= Ice axe+ Ice crystal x6+ Agate of evolution
Bad axe= Climaxe+ Reset stone    
Maxi axe= Bad axe+ Agate of evolution+ Purple orb
Climaxe= Maxi axe+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Galaxy axe*= Maxi axe+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Ace of clubs= Oaken club+ Belle cap x3    
Uber war hammer= War hammer+ Mighty armlet    
Terra tamper= Uber war hammer+ Royal soil x3+ Flintstone
Terra firmer= Terra tamper+ Royal soil x5+ Densinium x2
Terra hammer= Terra firmer+ Royal soil x7+ Ethereal stone x3
Titan's hammer= Giant's hammer+ Agate of evolution+ Tough guy tattoo
Megaton hammer= Hela's hammer+ Orichalcum+ Densinium x3
Warlord's hammer= Megaton hammer+ Orichalcum+ Mighty armlet
Groundbreaker= Moonmasher+ Reset stone    
Earthsplitter= Groundbreaker+ Agate of evolution+ Yellow orb
Moonmasher= Earthsplitter+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Starsmasher*= Earthsplitter+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Reinforced boomerang= Boomerang+ Iron nails x3    
Cutting-edge boomerang= Edged boomerang+ Magic beast horn x3+ Iron nails x3
Crucerang= Reinforced boomerang+ Hunter's bow+ Gold rosary
Razer-wing boomerang= Razor-wing boomerang+ Lunaria x3    
Erazor-wing boomerang= Razer-wing boomerang+ Aggressence x3+ Mythril ore
Eaglewing= Swallowtail+ Kestrel claws+ Flurry feather x3
Gusterang= Swallowtail+ Flurry feather x3+ Agility ring
Blusterang= Gusterang+ Staff of divine wrath+ Agility ring x2
Flametang boomerang= Gusterang+ Lava lump x3+ Rockbomb shard x3
Banefire boomerang= Flametang boomerang+ Sunstone+ Rockbomb shard x3
Pentarang= Hexarang+ Reset stone    
Hexarang= Pentarang+ Lucida shard x3+ Mythril ore x3
Meteorang= Stellarang+ Reset stone    
Asterang= Meteorang+ Agate of evolution+ Silver orb
Stellarang= Asterang+ Agate of evolution x3+ Silver orb x3
Galaxarang*= Asterang+ Agate of evolution x3+ Silver orb x3
Longbow= Short bow+ Laundry pole    
Hunter's bow= Longbow+ Chain whip    
Hotshot bow= Potshot bow+ Hunter's hat+ Archer's armguard
Blowy bow= Potshot bow+ Flurry feather x3+ Agility ring
Billowing bow= Blowy bow+ Staff of divine wrath+ Celestial skein x2
Blustery bow= Billowing bow+ Gusterang+ Celestial skein x3
Purblind bow= Great bow+ Mystifying mixture+ Enchanted stone x3
Blinding bow= Purblind bow+ Mystifying mixture x2+ Ethereal stone x3
Oh-no bow= Odin's bow+ Malicite    
Odin's bow= Oh-no bow+ Saint's ashes x3    
Angel's bow= Aeon's bow+ Reset stone    
Archangel's bow= Angel's bow+ Agate of evolution+ Yellow orb
Aeon's bow= Archangel's bow+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Seraph's bow*= Archangel's bow+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Gold platter= Silver platter+ Gold bracer    
Platinum platter= Gold platter+ Platinum ore    
Shell shield= Scale shield+ Tortoiseshell    
Steel shield= Iron shield+ Iron ore+ Royal soil
Gigasteel shield= Steel shield+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Kitty shield= Light shield+ Kitty litter    
Catty shield= Kitty shield+ Kitty litter x2    
White shield= Light shield+ Seashell x5+ Holy water x5
Enchanted shield= Magic shield+ Enchanted stone    
Ethereal shield= Enchanted shield+ Ethereal stone    
Flame shield= Magic shield+ Lava lump+ Resurrock
Ice shield= Magic shield+ Ice crystal+ Resurrock
Platinum shield= Light shield+ Platinum ore+ Hephaestus' flame
Dragon shield= Magic shield+ Dragon scale x3+ Raging ruby
Tempest shield= Magic shield+ Flurry feather x3+ Ruby of protection
Power shield= Warrior's shield+ Raging ruby+ Panacea
Empowered shield= Power shield+ Life bracer x2    
White knight's shield= White shield+ Holy talisman+ Mythril ore
Ogre shield= Dark shield+ Densinium x2+ Magic beast horn x5
Silver shield= White knight's shield+ Mirrorstone x3+ Mythril ore x2
Big boss shield= Boss shield+ Agate of evolution+ Mighty armlet
Saintess shield= Ruinous shield+ Saint's ashes x3    
Goddess shield= Saintess shield+ Goddess ring+ Orichalcum
Liquid metal shield= Metal slime shield+ Orichalcum+ Slimedrop x6
Metal king shield= Liquid metal shield+ Orichalcum+ Slime crown
Erdrick's shield= Rusty shield+ Glass frit x9+ Orichalcum
Brain drainer= Devilry drinker+ Reset stone    
Psyche swiper= Brain drainer+ Agate of evolution+ Green orb
Devilry drinker= Psyche swiper+ Agate of evolution x3+ Green orb x3
Soulsucker*= Psyche swiper+ Agate of evolution x3+ Green orb x3
Защита головы
Steel helmet= Iron helmet+ Iron ore+ Royal soil
Gigasteel helmet= Steel helmet+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Filigree mask= Iron mask+ Silver platter+ Silver tiara
Platinum headgear= Iron mask+ Platinum ore+ Hephaestus' flame
Mythril coif= Mail coif+ Mythril ore x2    
Thinking cap= Steel helmet+ Gold circlet+ Sorcerer's stone x3
Scholar's circlet= Thinking cap+ Brainy bracer+ Sage's elixir
Raging bull helm= Gigasteel helmet+ Magic beast horn x2+ Tough guy tattoo
Minotaur helm= Raging bull helm+ Magic beast horn x4+ Mighty armlet
Hades' helm= Great helm+ Malicite    
Mythril helm= Platinum headgear+ Mythril ore x3    
Great helm= Hades' helm+ Saint's ashes    
Crown of clarity= Thinking cap+ Thinkincense x5+ Mythril ore
Skull helm= Apollo's crown+ Malicite    
Sun crown= Skull helm+ Saint's ashes    
Apollo's crown= Sun crown+ Agate of evolution+ Sunstone
Liquid metal helm= Metal slime helm+ Orichalcum+ Slimedrop x6
Metal king helm= Liquid metal helm+ Orichalcum+ Slime crown
Erdrick's helmet= Rusty helmet+ Glass frit x9+ Orichalcum
Hallowed helm= Wonder helm+ Reset stone    
Blessed helm= Hallowed helm+ Agate of evolution+ Purple orb
Wonder helm= Blessed helm+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Heavenly helm*= Blessed helm+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Trailblazing bandana= Bandana+ Bow tie    
Mercury's bandana= Trailblazing bandana+ Agility ring    
Feathered cap= Leather hat+ Flurry feather    
Bunny ears= Hairband+ Bunny tail x2    
Cat ears= Hairband+ Kitty litter x2    
Fur hood= Leather hat+ Magic beast hide+ Lambswool
Pointy hat= Leather hat+ Magic beast horn    
Golden tiara= Silver tiara+ Gold ring+ Gold bracer
Slood= Pointy hat+ Slimedrop x3    
Feather headband= Hairband+ Flurry feather x2    
Hunter's hat= Pointy hat+ Lambswool+ Magic beast hide
Ear cosy= Fur hood+ Bunny tail+ Lambswool
Gold circlet= Circlet+ Gold ring+ Gold bracer
Star circlet= Gold circlet+ Lucida shard    
Tricky turban= Turban+ Toad oil+ Snakeskin
Thief's turban= Turban+ Evencloth x2    
Malleable mask= Circlet+ Butterfly wing x2+ Narspicious x2
Papillon mask= Malleable mask+ Dread dagger+ Narspicious x3
Canny cap= Feathered cap+ Brainy bracer x2    
Musketeer hat= Feathered cap+ Feather headband+ Magic beast hide x3
Mega-magical hat= Magical hat+ Prayer ring x2+ Sorcerer's stone
Happy hat= Unhappy hat+ Lucky pendant    
Spellward circlet= Gold circlet+ Monarchic mark+ Gold bar
Phantom mask= Papillon mask+ Dark robe+ Slipweed x3
Spring breeze hat= Winter sky hat+ Agate of evolution+ Green orb
Summer cloud hat= Spring breeze hat+ Agate of evolution+ Green orb
Autumn shower hat= Summer cloud hat+ Agate of evolution+ Green orb
Winter sky hat= Autumn shower hat+ Agate of evolution+ Green orb
Защита тела
Large-scale armour= Scale armour+ Scale shield+ Snakeskin
Silver cuirass= Iron cuirass+ Silver platter    
Full plate armour= Iron armour+ Iron ore+ Royal soil
Gigasteel armour= Full plate armour+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Tortoise shell= Iron cuirass+ Tortoiseshell+ Emerald moss
Tortoiseshell armour= Tortoise shell+ Tortoiseshell x2+ Emerald moss x2
Gold mail= Silver mail+ Gold ring+ Gold bracer
Platinum mail= Gold mail+ Platinum ore+ Hephaestus' flame
Enchanted armour= Magic armour+ Enchanted stone    
Ethereal armour= Enchanted armour+ Ethereal stone    
Dragon mail= Magic armour+ Dragon scale x2+ Raging ruby
Spiked armour= Magic armour+ Magic beast horn x2+ Iron nails x5
Holy mail= Chain mail+ Holy talisman+ Mythril ore
Sacrosanct armour= Sacred armour+ Ruby of protection+ Life bracer
Mirror armour= Magic armour+ Mirrorstone x3+ Sober ring
Catoptric armour= Mirror armour+ Mirrorstone x5+ Catholicon ring
Liquid metal armour= Metal slime armour+ Orichalcum+ Slimedrop x6
Metal king armour= Liquid metal armour+ Orichalcum+ Slime crown
Erdrick's armour= Rusty armour+ Glass frit x9+ Orichalcum
Victorious armour= Mythical armour+ Reset stone    
Glorious armour= Victorious armour+ Agate of evolution+ Red orb
Mythical armour= Glorious armour+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Legendary armour*= Glorious armour+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Tracksuit top= Training top+ Finessence    
Fur poncho= Leather cape+ Magic beast hide x3    
Cloak of concealment= Cloak of evasion+ Slipweed x2+ Lambswool
Gooey gear= Garish garb+ Slimedrop x3    
Majestic mantle= Velvet cape+ Bow tie+ Brighten rock x3
Tussler's top= Tracksuit top+ Finessence+ Magic beast hide x2
Dragon dress= Strongsam+ Dragon scale+ Finessence x2
Flamenco shirt= Garish garb+ Brighten rock x3+ Technicolour dreamcloth
Dancer's dress= Dancers costume+ Brighten rock x3+ Technicolour dreamcloth
Fur vest= Fur poncho+ Magic beast hide x3    
Superstar's suit= Star's suit+ Lucida shard x3    
Technicolour tutu= Tint-tastic tutu+ Technicolour dreamcloth    
Hot bikini top= Dangerous bikini top+ Seashell x3+ Crimson coral x2
Sizzling bikini top= Hot bikini top+ Technicolour dreamcloth+ Astral plume x2
Dragon top= Tussler's top+ Dragon scale x2+ Finessence x2
Dark robe= Velvet cape+ Evencloth x3+ Slipweed x3
Macabre mantle= Dark robe+ Wing of bat x4+ Terrible tattoo x3
Twinkling tuxedo= Smart suit+ Bow tie+ Brighten rock x3
Shimmering dress= Spangled dress+ Pink pearl+ Brighten rock x3
Dangerous bustier= Divine bustier+ Reset stone    
Silk bustier= Dangerous bustier+ Tangleweb x7+ Silk robe x3
Divine bustier= Silk bustier+ Slipweed x7+ Sainted soma x3
Tropotoga= Mesotoga+ Reset stone    
Stratotoga= Tropotoga+ Agate of evolution+ Blue orb
Mesotoga= Stratotoga+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Exotoga*= Stratotoga+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Robe of sweet dreams= Robe of serenity+ Sleeping hibiscus x3+ Lambswool x3
Enchanted robes= Magical robes+ Enchanted stone    
Ethereal robes= Enchanted robes+ Ethereal stone    
Saintly robe= Ascetic robe+ Rosary+ Grubby bandage x3
Fizzle-proof suit= Fizzle-retardant suit+ Sorcerer's ring+ Grubby bandage x3
Sage's robe= Saintly robe+ Fizzle-proof suit+ Thinkincense x3
Flowing dress= Enchanted robes+ Celestial skein x3    
Cape of good karma= Majestic mantle+ Thinkincense x6+ Sage's elixir x3
Princess' robe= Shimmering dress+ Monarchic mark    
Queen's robe= Princess' robe+ Monarch's mittens+ Lambswool x2
Empress's robe= Queen's robe+ Spellward circlet+ Lambswool x3
Prince's pea coat= Twinkling tuxedo+ Monarchic mark    
King's coat= Prince's pea coat+ King axe+ Lambswool x2
Emperor's attire= King's coat+ Slime crown+ Lambswool x3
Celestria's gown= Nightmare gown+ Saint's ashes x3    
Celestria's raiment= Celestria's gown+ Agate of evolution+ Astral plume x7
Xenlon robe= Dragon robe+ Dragon top+ Dragon dress
Angel's robe= Aeon's robe+ Reset stone    
Archangel's robe= Angel's robe+ Agate of evolution+ Yellow orb
Aeon's robe= Archangel's robe+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Seraph's robe*= Archangel's robe+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Защита рук
Steel gauntlets= Iron gauntlets+ Iron ore+ Royal soil
Gigasteel gauntlets= Steel gauntlets+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Enchanted gloves= Magic mittens+ Enchanted stone    
Ethereal gloves= Enchanted gloves+ Ethereal stone    
Sturdy gauntlets= Light gauntlets+ Iron ore x2+ Aggressence
Heavy gauntlets= Sturdy gauntlets+ Densinium x2+ Aggressence
Blessed bindings= Bruiser's bracers+ Thinkincense x3+ Sage's elixir x2
Liquid metal slime gloves= Metal slime gauntlets+ Orichalcum+ Slimedrop x6
Metal king slime gloves= Liquid metal slime gloves+ Orichalcum+ Slime crown
Erdrick's gauntlets= Rusty gauntlets+ Glass frit x9+ Orichalcum
Vesta gauntlets= Tempestes gauntlets+ Reset stone    
Diana gauntlets= Vesta gauntlets+ Agate of evolution+ Red orb
Tempestes gauntlets= Diana gauntlets+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Sol Invictus gauntlets*= Diana gauntlets+ Agate of evolution x3+ Red orb x3
Leather gloves= Cotton gloves+ Magic beast hide    
Marquess' mittens= Mayoress' mittens+ Monarchic mark    
Monarch's mittens= Marquess' mittens+ Highness heels    
Guru's gloves= Heavy handwear+ Thinkincense x3+ Sage's elixir x2
Gloomy gloves= Heavy handwear+ Evencloth x3    
Murky mittens= Gloomy gloves+ Malicite+ Evencloth x3
Matador's gloves= Mental mittens+ Slipweed x4+ Mercury's bandana
Apprentice's gloves= Grandmaster's gloves+ Reset stone    
Master's gloves= Apprentice's gloves+ Agate of evolution+ Silver orb
Grandmaster's gloves= Master's gloves+ Agate of evolution x3+ Silver orb x3
Godly gloves*= Master's gloves+ Agate of evolution x3+ Silver orb x3
Защита ног
Leather kilt= Boxer shorts+ Magic beast hide    
Tracky bottoms= Training trousers+ Finessence    
Boomer briefs= Boxer shorts+ Boomerang    
Wonder pants= Boomer briefs+ Aggressence    
Steel kneecaps= Iron kneecaps+ Iron ore+ Royal soil
Gigasteel kneecaps= Steel kneecaps+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Hot bikini bottoms= Dangerous midriff wrap+ Seashell x3+ Crimson coral x3
Sizzling bikini bottoms= Hot bikini bottoms+ Technicolour dreamcloth+ Astral plume x2
Blessed bottoms= Wizard's trousers+ Sorcerer's stone+ Lambswool x2
Tussler's trousers= Tracky bottoms+ Finessence+ Magic beast hide x2
Fancy pants= Loud trousers+ Belle cap x3+ Narspicious
Chainmail socks= Pop socks+ Chain mail x2+ Iron nails x2
Red tights= Pop socks+ Crimson coral x4    
Green tights= Pop socks+ Emerald moss x4    
White tights= Pop socks+ Seashell x4    
Transparent tights= Red tights+ Green tights+ White tights
Dragon trousers= Tussler's trousers+ Dragon scale x2+ Finessence x2
Tantric trousers= Dragon trousers+ Thinkincense x3+ Sage's elixir x2
Impregnable leggings= Sturdy slacks+ Densinium+ Orichalcum
Invincible trousers= Eternity trousers+ Reset stone    
Immortal trousers= Invincible trousers+ Agate of evolution+ Purple orb
Eternity trousers= Immortal trousers+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Infinity trousers*= Immortal trousers+ Agate of evolution x3+ Purple orb x3
Hobnail boots= Leather boots+ Magic beast hide    
Steel sabatons= Iron sabatons+ Iron ore+ Royal soil
Gigasteel sabatons= Steel sabatons+ Iron ore x2+ Hephaestus' flame
Payback pumps= Steel sabatons+ Magic beast horn x2+ Iron nails x2
Brahman boots= Clever clogs+ Thinkincense x3+ Sage's elixir x2
Liquid metal slime boots= Metal slime sollerets+ Orichalcum+ Slimedrop x6
Metal king slime boots= Liquid metal slime boots+ Orichalcum+ Slime crown
Hero's boots= Emperor's boots+ Reset stone    
Basilic boots= Hero's boots+ Agate of evolution+ Yellow orb
Emperor's boots= Basilic boots+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Boots of beatitude*= Basilic boots+ Agate of evolution x3+ Yellow orb x3
Classy clogs= Clogs+ Belle cap x2    
Stiletto heels= High heels+ Fishnet stockings    
Highness heels= Stiletto heels+ Monarchic mark    
Sorceress sandals= Siren sandals+ Sleeping hibiscus x3+ Belle cap x2
Wu shoes= Kung fu shoes+ Finessence x2    
Safer shoes= Safety shoes+ Ruby of protection+ Mythril ore
Safest shoes= Safer shoes+ Ruby of protection+ Orichalcum
Elevating shoes= Depressing shoes+ Lucky pendant    
Pixie boots= Elevating shoes+ Elfin charm x2    
Tricksie boots= Pixie boots+ Agate of evolution    
Sensible sandals= Sapient sandals+ Reset stone    
Sagacious sandals= Sensible sandals+ Agate of evolution+ Blue orb
Sapient sandals= Sagacious sandals+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Sentient sandals*= Sagacious sandals+ Agate of evolution x3+ Blue orb x3
Strength ring= Gold ring+ Aggressence    
Tough guy tattoo= Terrible tattoo+ Aggressence    
Raging ruby= Strength ring+ Corundum    
Mighty armlet= Gold bracer+ Strength ring+ Tough guy tattoo
Slime earrings= Slimedrop+ Gold ring    
Ruby of protection= Dragon scale+ Corundum    
Bow tie= Butterfly wing x2+ Grubby bandage    
Utility belt= Leather kilt+ Ultramarine mittens+ Grubby bandage
Agility ring= Prayer ring+ Flurry feather x2    
Meteorite bracer= Gold bar+ Agility ring x2+ Lucida shard x3
Sorcerer's ring= Skull ring+ Saint's ashes    
Rosary= Pink pearl+ Fresh water x3+ Thinkincense x3
Brainy bracer= Gold bracer+ Sorcerer's stone x2    
Life bracer= Gold bracer+ Life ring x2    
Spirit bracer= Gold bracer+ Prayer ring+ Elfin charm
Monarchic mark= Lucky pendant+ Raging ruby+ Ruby of protection
Prayer ring= Gold ring+ Sage's elixir x2    
Holy talisman= Gold rosary+ Holy water x5+ Resurrock
Sober ring= Gold ring+ Sandstorm spear+ Panacea
Contra band= Gold ring+ Poison needle+ Special antidote
Full moon ring= Gold ring+ Poison moth knife+ Lunaria
Rousing ring= Gold ring+ Sleepy stick+ Wakerobin x3
Ring of clarity= Gold ring+ Moon axe+ Angel bell x3
Catholicon ring= Rousing ring+ Sober ring+ Contra band
Skull ring= Sorcerer's ring+ Malicite    
Elfin charm= Holy talisman+ Elfin elixir+ Emerald moss x3
Life ring= Prayer ring+ Resurrock x3    
Goddess ring= Life ring+ Sainted soma+ Gold bar
Reckless necklace= Lucky pendant+ Malicite    
Lucky pendant= Reckless necklace+ Saint's ashes    
Strong medicine= Medicinal herb x2       
Special medicine= Strong medicine x2       
Superior medicine= Medicinal herb+ Strong medicine    
Strong antidote= Antidotal herb+ Medicinal herb    
Special antidote= Strong antidote x2       
Softwort= Strong medicine+ Moonwort bulb    
Lunaria= Moonwort bulb x3       
Birdsong nectar= Nectar x3+ Fresh water+ Sleeping hibiscus x5
Panacea= Special medicine+ Superior medicine+ Moonwort bulb
Perfect panacea= Panacea+ Angel bell+ Wakerobin
Yggdrasil dew= Yggdrasil leaf+ Elfin elixir    
Magic water= Holy water+ Royal soil+ Nectar
Sage's elixir= Magic water+ Royal soil+ Nectar x3
Elfin elixir= Yggdrasil leaf+ Royal soil x3+ Nectar x5
Mystifying mixture= Belle cap+ Manky mud+ Cowpat x3
Sage's stone= Orichalcum+ Birdsong nectar x3+ Silver orb
Densinium= Flintstone x3+ Iron ore x3    
Gold bar= Sainted soma x3+ Ethereal stone x2+ Birdsong nectar x5
Hephaestus' flame= Lava lump+ Royal soil+ Toad oil
Enchanted stone= Thunderball x2+ Ice crystal x2+ Mystifying mixture
Ethereal stone= Enchanted stone+ Perfect panacea+ Narspicious x2
Astral plume= Flurry feather x3+ Fresh water x2+ Angel bell
Celestial skein= Fresh water x3+ Tangleweb x5    
Technicolour dreamcloth= Grubby bandage x3+ Brighten rock+ Celestial skein
Sainted soma= Lucida shard x2+ Sage's elixir x2+ Astral plume x2
Lucida shard= Brighten rock x3+ Evencloth x3    
Agate of evolution= Sainted soma x2+ Ethereal stone x2+ Chronocrystal
Sunstone= Lucida shard x2+ Mirrorstone x3+ Hephaestus' flame
Malicite= Pink pearl+ Terrible tattoo x2+ Narspicious x3
Finessence= Fisticup x2+ Slipweed+ Superior medicine
Aggressence= Fisticup x2+ Wakerobin+ Softwort
  Яндекс.Метрика Все материалы (c) 2002-2018 Final Fantasy Forever
Дизайн и движок (c) 2017 EvilSpider